Why does your business need Kaizen?
5S Lean Manufacturing has become a very popular topic in modern business due to the potential value it offers to organizations. The basis is saving costs and increasing quality through eliminating waste. Waste can appear in many ways, including time.
5 Benefits of Kaizen Shadow Boards
1. Tool Organization
Every tool must be placed so that users can easily and quickly find tools to complete their required tasks. By using Kaizen Inserts, work areas are more efficient and productive because tools are kept close and to hand.
2. Traceability
"Everything has its place." Kaizen Shadow Boards allow users to instantly tell if there is a tool missing or if something has been misplaced. The importance of tracing the whereabouts of tools also provides the benefit of continuous monitoring of any deterioration of tools.
3. Visual Management
Using Kaizen Inserts enhance your company’s organization skills and provides users with leaner, more productive ways to work. Kaizen facilitates faster production times, greater efficiency and increased effectiveness by using the visual element of how work is done.
4. Standardization
The use of Kaizen tool shadow boards in standardizing behaviour and the organization of work areas increases common ideas that you want to instil into daily practices. **The focus of any lean project should be to reduce waste through efficiencies in processes.**
5. Protection
Kaizen allows users to better protect their valuable tools and instruments by preventing excess movement causing collisions. Without having to replace tools users are able save money and are able to justify using more expensive equipment allowing for increased efficiency.
Economical Prices, Minimal Effort, and Endless Potential
Message us today to see how your business could increase its efficiency and improve its effectiveness!