Hazet 4971-4 Brake Piston Readjusting Tool for Single-Piston and Multi-Piston Brake Calipers
Hazet 4971-4 Brake Piston Readjusting Tool for Single-Piston and Multi-Piston Brake Calipers
Damage-free readjusting brake pistons (floating callipers / fixed callipers) on disc brakes - 2-in-1 device for 1-piston and multi-piston brake callipers
- Suitable for 1-, 2- and 4-piston brake callipers
- Can also be used with 6-piston brake callipers thanks to optionally available brake piston readjusting tool adapter plates 4971-3/2
- Fast and uniform readjusting without tilting
- For common vehicle types without integrated locking device for handbrakes
- Working range: 15 – 90 mm
- Plate size: 1: 94 x 50 x 12 mm
- Plate size: 2: 94 x 100 x 12 mm
- Avoids damage to boots and pistons
- High accuracy as well as high stability allow continuous use
- Less force expended thanks to exact guiding
- Made in Germany